MenoSmart Plus - 120 Vcaps


Contains herbs that can halt hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, lower cholesterol, improve vaginal dryness and much more. 

Daily Dosage: Two capsules at breakfast and two capsules at bedtime or as directed by a health care practitioner. 


Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) Extract 4:1 ......... 100 mg
Dong Quai is an effective treatment for the symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes, as well as painful menstruation, lack of menstruation (spotting but no full blood flow), and will relieve too frequent menstruation (more than one menstrual cycle per month). In menstruating women it is also recommended for treating infertility. 

Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) Extract 10:1 ..... 80 mg
(0.6% Acubine) Vitex, is effective in the balancing of hormones and has been traditionally used for the treatment of menstrual abnormalities, PMS, and menopausal complaints. It is especially important for women who are estrogen dominant with conditions including endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breasts and to improve the progesterone to estrogen ratio. 

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Extract 1:1 .. 80 mg
(2mg of triterpene glycosides measured as 27-deoxyacteine) Black cohosh is the most researched herb for the treatment of the symptoms of menopause and replacement for standard hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progestins). Effective in the treatment of the following perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, profuse perspiration, headaches, heart palpitations, depression, PMS, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), sleep disturbances, vaginal atrophy (thinning of the vagina causing painful intercourse), vaginal dryness, nervousness, irritability and loss of concentration. 

Sage Leaf (Salvia Officinalis) ................................ 75 mg
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the European Union recently approved 300 mg of sage as a treatment for excessive perspiration associated with menopause and in the United Kingdom, medical herbalists treat menopausal women suffering hot flashes and night sweats with sage. The sage in Menosmart Plus is not an alcohol extract or an oil. The safety studies for long term use of the full herb (i.e longer than one year) are excellent. In studies, 300 mg of sage does not cause elevated heart rate or blood pressure. 

Gamma-oryzanol (ferulic acid) .............................. 75 mg
Gamma-oryzanol isolated from rice bran oil is used for the treatment of hot flashes and to enhance pituitary function and promote endorphin release by the hypothalamus thereby improving mood. Not only is it a very effective substance for alleviating menopausal symptoms but it also lowers triglycerides and total cholesterol. 

Hesperidin ............................................................. 75 mg
Hesperidin, a potent flavonoid, improves the vascular system and our capillaries thereby improving cardiovascular health and reduction of bruising. It has also been shown to reduce hot flashes and night time leg cramps. 

Vegan Friendly 



Weeks 1 & 2Alternate 1 day HRT, 1 day MENOSMART PLUS
Weeks 3 & 4Alternate 1 day HRT, 2 day MENOSMART PLUS
Weeks 5 & 6Alternate 1 day HRT, 5 day MENOSMART PLUS
Weeks 7 & 8Alternate 1 day HRT, 7 day MENOSMART PLUS


Weeks 1 & 2Apply patch and wear for 5 days then apply a new patch and wear for 5 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS every other day.
Weeks 3 & 4Apply patch and wear for 7 days then apply a new patch and wear for 7 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS every other day.
Weeks 5Do not apply patch for 7 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS Daily
Weeks 6Apply patch and wear for 7 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS Daily
Weeks 7Do not apply patch for 7 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS Daily
Weeks 8Apply patch and wear for 7 days. Take MENOSMART PLUS Daily


Stop Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally! 
by Lorna Vanderhaeghe 

Drug manufacturers of Premarin and Prempro have been told to put a strong warning on the label about the increased risk of cancer and heart disease. In July 2002 the Women's Health Initiative study, a clinical trial designed to determine if Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), a combination of synthetic estrogen and progestins, was beneficial to healthy women, was halted due to serious safety concerns. This study involving 16,608 healthy, postmenopausal women concluded that the combination of estrogen and progestins caused a 41 percent increase in the risk of stroke, a 29 percent increase in the risk of heart attack, a doubled risk of blood clots, a 22 percent increase in cardiovascular disease and a 26 percent increase in the risk of invasive breast cancer. Now, caring physicians and hundreds of thousands of Canadian women are looking for alternatives to HRT. 

What Do European Doctors Know that North American Docs Don't?
European doctors have been recommending herbal solutions to menopausal symptoms for decades and the research is very clear they are safer and just as effective in 80 percent of users. MENOSMART PLUS contains herbs that can halt hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings, lower cholesterol, improve vaginal dryness and much more. 

Black cohosh (1mg of triterpene glycosides measured as 27-deoxyacteine) is the most researched herb for the treatment of menopause symptoms and replacement for standard hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progestins). Effective in the treatment of the following perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, profuse perspiration, headaches, heart palpitations, depression, PMS, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), sleep disturbances, vaginal atrophy (thinning of the vagina causing painful intercourse), vaginal dryness, nervousness, irritability and loss of concentration. It was also researched in women with estrogen dominant breast cancer and found to be safe. Black cohosh works. 

Chasteberry, commonly called Vitex, is effective at balancing hormones and has been traditionally used for the treatment of menstrual abnormalities, PMS, and menopausal complaints. It is especially important for women who are estrogen dominant with conditions including endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breasts and to improve the progesterone to estrogen ratio. 

Dong Quai is an effective treatment for the symptoms of menopause, especially to reduce hot flashes, as well as painful menstruation, lack of menstruation (spotting but no full blood flow), and will relieve too frequent menstruation (more than one menstrual cycle per month). In menstruating women it is also recommended for treating infertility. 

Gamma-oryzanol, isolated from rice bran oil, is used for the reduction of hot flashes and to improve mood. Not only is it a very effective substance for alleviating menopausal symptoms, but it also lowers triglycerides and total cholesterol thereby protecting our heart. 

Hesperidin, a potent flavonoid, has been shown to aid the vascular system and capillaries thereby improving cardiovascular health, reducing night sweats, hot flashes and those annoying night time leg cramps. It has also been shown to reduce bruising. 

Weaning off HRT slowly over an 8 week period while taking MENOSMART PLUS will ensure your symptoms don't return and aid an easy transition. 

Read No More HRT: Menopause Treat the Cause by Dr. Karen Jensen, ND and Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe, M.S. for the complete information on how to get off HRT. 

Black Cohosh Proven Safe 

I receive dozens of questions per day about Black cohosh's safety and effectiveness for menopausal symptoms. Some new articles have been published that I feel you should read if you are taking or will be taking Black cohosh. Also on the home page of my website is a list of research papers that prove even further the safety of Black cohosh. Several studies have been performed in women with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer taking Tamoxifen (an estrogen-blocking drug) who were given double the dose of Black cohosh for one year with excellent results and safety. 

Black Cohosh, a menopausal remedy, does NOT have estrogenic activity and does NOT promote breast cancer cell growth. Click here to read the abstract. 

Lately there have been outstanding reviews of Black cohosh's safety and effectiveness. Pharmacists and medical doctors continue to provide out-dated information regarding this herb. I continue to get questions regarding liver toxicity with Black cohosh. This review of the safety and toxicity data makes the correct statement. "A few cases of hepatotoxicity have been reported, but a direct association with the ingestion of cimicifuga has not been demonstrated. The most recent data suggest that cimicifuga is not estrogenic." This is the latest evidence on this very safe herb. Click here to read the review abstract. 

Maturitas is one of the most respected medical journals and this summer they published an excellent article about what doctors should be prescribing for menopausal symptoms. Click here to read more.