GLA 240(Organic) - 90Softgels


GLA-240 is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an "activated" fatty acid found in evening primrose oil and in more concentrated form in borage oil. Extensive scientific research shows that GLA supplementation favorably modulates the body's balance of eicosanoids, local cellular "hormones" which regulate inflammation, thrombosis (abnormal blood clotting), and immune function. Eicosanoid imbalances are involved in many of the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


Suggested Use

Take 1 softgel daily with a fat-containing meal, or as directed by a qualified health consultant.



- Possible interactions with phenothiazines(Increasing seizure risk).

- May cause headaches and/or nausea.

- May increase bleeding tine.

- Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant of breastfeeding.



- Borage Oil


Main Indications

- Age-related cognitive declineInflammation, swelling and pain
- Pressure in joints, blood vessels
- Water retention
- Allergic response
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Nerve transmission
- Pre-menstrual syndrome
- Obesity
- Vascular disorders
- Eczema