Allergy Relief Nasal Spray [FORMER Pollinosan] - 20ml


This exclusive formula created by Dr. Alfred Vogel starts to work instantly -
proving maximum effectiveness. Pollution Proof: Unique cap prevents back flow 
of solution into bottle after spraying. Special silver-coated nozzle sterilizes 
solution during spraying. No preservatives which may damage the sensitive 
nasal cilia - a benefit worth thinking about. The buffered saline solution clears 
and thins the secretions of the nose and sinus, as well as humidifies the mucous 
membranes. This is the identical homeopathic formula contained in the Vogel 
Allergy Relief liquid and tablets. For optimum results, use along with Allergy 
Relief. Instant relief from the Pollinosan Spray, long lasting relief from the Allergy 
Relief tablets or liquid. 

Ammi visnaga 1 X Aralia racemosa 2 X Cardiospermum halicacabum 2 X
Galphimia glauca 3 X Larrea mexicana 2 X Luffa operculata 6 X Okoubaka 
aubrevillei 2 X

For Adults and Children 12 years and older: Spray once or twice into each 
nostril 3-5 times a day or as directed by a health care professional. Or as 
directed by a physician.

Warnings or side effects: None known. May be used by automobile drivers – no
drowsiness. Consumers are cautioned to read all labels and follow all 