imagen de maca andina

VEGA : Premium Canadian Brand For Vegetarians

Vega Maca 750mg - 120 Vegi Caps


Balance, invigorate and energize with Vega Maca. Native Peruvians used maca for thousands of years as both a food and a tonic. They believed maca increased energy and stamina, improved fertility and enhanced libido. 

Also known as Peruvian ginseng, maca shows great potential as an adaptogen, according to foremost maca researchers; this adaptogenic potential may account for the balancing, energizing and stress-reducing effects reported by some maca users.


Vega Maca is certified organic, traditionally grown and sustainably harvested in partnership with Peruvian farmers. A pure, premium whole maca root powder, Vega maca is gelatinized for optimum micronutrient absorption.

What is Maca?

A member of the brassica family, maca is an exceptionally hardy root plant native to the Andean mountain plateaus of Peru. Herbalists believe that resilient plants are especially valuable; grown at altitudes of 14,000 feet in an extreme climate of freezing cold, fierce winds and intense sunlight, where no other crops can survive, maca’s resiliency knows no equal from an herbological perspective. 

In spite of the poor volcanic soil and harsh environmental conditions in which it grows, maca is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, and important vitamins and minerals.

Why Should I Use Vega Maca?*
Taking 2,500 mg of Vega Maca daily can help: 

  • Promote vitality
  • Metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein57
  • Develop and maintain strong bones and teeth58
  • Form red blood cells and support their proper function59
  • Contribute to a feeling of overall well-being
  • Maintain good health
  • Provide antioxidant support60


How Does Maca Work?*
Also widely known as Peruvian ginseng, maca shows great potential as an adaptogen, according to foremost maca researcher G. Gonzales61. This adaptogenic potential may account for the balancing, energizing and stress-reducing effects reported by some maca users. 

An excellent, plant-based source of vitamin B12, maca provides 70% of your daily value of B12 (as cyanocobalimin). Per 2,500 mg dose, maca also provides a wealth of important minerals, including: 

  • 37% DV manganese
  • 20% DV calcium
  • 14% DV iron
  • 10% DV potassium


Some studies suggest that Maca delivers a revitalizing effect, likely derived from its abundant protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and mineral content 62. A cruciferous vegetable, maca demonstrates antioxidant activity, containing phytochemicals, isothiocyanates, flavanols, and glucosinates that have the ability to scavenge and quench various free radicals4. Unique, secondary metabolites macaene and macamides—identified exclusively in maca—may be responsible for some of the benefits described by native Peruvians.

Vega Maca is dairy, gluten and soy free.

57Vitamin B12, Manganese
59Vitamin B12, Iron
60Sandoval, M. Et al., Antioxidant activity of the cruciferous vegetable Maca (Lepdidium meyenii). Food Chemistry 79 (2002) 207–213.
61G. Gonzales, Ethnobiology and Ethnopharmacology of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a Plant from the Peruvian Highlands. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012.
62Wang, Y. Et al,  Maca: An Andean crop with multi-pharmacological functions. Food Research International 40 (2007) 783–792.